editorial adj. 1.编辑的;编辑上的;主笔的,总编辑的。 2.〔美国〕社论的。 n. 〔美国〕(期刊的)社论。 an editorial article 社论。 an editorial assistant 编辑助理。 an editorial chair 主笔职位。 an editorial office 编辑室。 the editorial staff 编辑部。 an editorial paragraph [note] 短评。 an editorial writer 〔美国〕社论作者,主笔。 adv. -ly 1.在编辑上;以主笔身分。 2.以社论形式。
Can you briefly explain the editorial process 你能否简要的解释一下整个制作过程?
A restudy of the editorial process theory 编辑过程论新议
Press outlets should establish their own editorial boards , independent of government control , in order to separate information gathering and dissemination from editorial processes 新闻机构应建立不受政府控制的自身的编辑部,把采集和传播新闻与评论区别开来。
Fortunately , this time i got many eager friends around to help me out ; but i still failed to back myself out and constantly interfered in the editorial process , causing some delays in the project 幸好这趟有多位热心好友不辞劳苦地替我解难奈何最后自己又按捺不住,频频在旁指东画西,顿时令整个制作工程被迫拖延下来。
My personal favorite was the “ special sauce ” layer in figure 3 - 1 , which was a typically lame attempt to introduce humor into the editorial process that went awry when the original draft of the figure made it into the finished book 我本人最喜欢的是位于第三章第一届的“特殊资源” ,它是一个典型的缺陷,它试图把幽默介绍到编辑过程中, (却在)当本章最初的草稿制成完结(版)书的时候出了问题。